About Us


Children’s Ministry

We have a wonderful children’s ministry to inspire your children with the Word of God.

Youth Ministry

Youth ages 12-18 meet every Wednesday night for a time of fellowship, praise and worship. Get plugged into the excitement of what is happening.

Water Baptism

If you have not been baptized since you gave your life to the Lord, please sign up. It’s a commandment from the Lord. – (Matt 28:19)

Street Witnessing

Come be a part of God’s move in this area. We go out to the streets and share the love of God. If you can’t join us please be praying with us. The prayer covering the saints reinforces our heavenly armor against the attacks of the enemy. (Call to find out times and dates.)

Food, Clothing & Benevolent Fund

If you would like to bring non-perishable food items we thank you. All other offerings of money are welcome to help meet the needs of others.

Wells for Water for India Missions Fund

Any money you can raise or would like to give in any offering to give to this fund will go towards supporting a ministry in rural areas of Guntur, India and drilling wells for water there.